‘Humanity’s future depends on investing in the machinery of peace’: UN chief
Syrians’ hopes for a better future depend on justice for the disappeared, Human Rights Council hears
Visualizing the Ukraine Refugee Crisis in Europe
George Monbiot: “Lo único para lo que siempre tuvimos tiempo es para un cambio de sistema”
Campesino peruano confía en justicia climática en su demanda contra gigante alemán RWE
Justicia digital: cómo resolvemos conflictos en los espacios virtuales
Marília Chaves Peixoto, especialista en sistemas dinámicos
Feminicidios en México: el combate sin fin de Norma Andrade
From Rwanda to Ecuador, these women are leading the shift to electric transport
Femmes et hommes scientifiques : l’effet inattendu du genre dans les rétractions d’articles
Sin nombre ni voz propia, una realidad de las mujeres de la antigua Roma
AI pioneers who channeled 'hedonistic' machines win computer science's top prize
Cómo el fútbol condiciona la masculinidad y las relaciones de género en los colegios
El AMOC no colapsa, pero se debilita
La EEI capta un deslumbrante rayo que asciende al espacio
Groenlandia: una “mina de recursos”, que aún no se conocen
Tiny Icequakes Ripple Through Greenland’s Largest Ice Stream
Growing Trump-Putin detente could spell trouble for the Arctic
II Informe sobre el ‘Seguimiento y Perspectivas de la Contaminación Cero’ en la UE
Bruselas prorroga dos años el objetivo de almacenamiento obligatorio del 90% para el gas
Weather and energy: Supporting the energy transition
Sweden's plan to ensure future generations remember highly radioactive nuclear waste
Comment limiter le recours aux produits biocides dans les enduits de façades ?
Nessie loves a sunny summer's day—how anecdotes become data
Dos expertos proponen una revisión «no invasiva» del Reglamento de Protección de Datos
Environmental stewardship in schools: Cyprus’ whole school approach to sustainability
Tra lava e ghiaccio, il risveglio dell’Etna
Towards a harmonized operational earthquake forecasting model for Europe
Dos nuevas especies de dinosaurios descubiertas en Rumania
How did the Met Office 2024/25 winter forecast develop and what was its impact?
Madagascar’s lemurs live with the threat of cyclones – has this shaped their behaviour?
Solar Power Doubled Mango Production — and Farmers’ Incomes — in Chamwino, Tanzania
Tribunal japonés rechaza la solicitud para suspender la operación de un reactor nuclear
Study finds Japanese buildings absorb 14% of cement production's carbon footprint
A harsh winter reality for Kashmir’s donkeys
Feral horses find a home in India’s protected areas
Monkey business: Sri Lanka to count crop-raiding nuisance wildlife
A prehistoric whale fossil stolen from a cave turns attention to fossil trade
Launch of the 2023 UNESCO GEM Report: Transforming Education with Technology in Southeast Asia
Los turistas vuelven al Everest tras el devastador terremoto
Japan puts world's most accurate clock on sale for $3.3 mn
.La Inteligencia Artificial ayuda a descifrar la escritura cuneiforme
Cyclone Alfred is slowing – and that could make it more destructive. Here’s how climate change might have influenced it
New species of 'dunny frogs' found in Queensland and Western Australia
Lyrebird's secret farming skills uncovered in Australian forests
Supreme Court Weakens Rules on Discharging Raw Sewage Into U.S. Water Supplies
Trump Signs Executive Order Handing U.S. Public Forests Over to Private Logging Industry
Trump Boasts About Dismantling Environmental and Science Policy
Academic freedom and democracy under siege: how a Nobel peace prize could help defend them
French university opens doors to 'threatened' US scientists
Canada proposes phase out of 'forever chemicals' in consumer products
Farm certification could make Canada’s farms fairer for migrant workers
‘We know what it’s like’: How Appalachian towns are learning to help each other after floods
Longer Growing Season, Longer Allergy Season in 172 U.S. Cities
The (baby) eagle has landed! Big Bear bald eagles Jackie and Shadow welcome first hatchling
Lava fountain height soars in latest episode of Hawaii volcano eruption
FARMing with Data: OpenET Launches new Tool for Farmers and Ranchers
La deforestación aumentó un 35 % en 2024 en Colombia
Mudança na lei põe em risco santuário ecológico no litoral do Piuaí
Clash of worlds for the Amazon’s Cinta Larga: Interview with author Alex Cuadros
Situación complicada en el Mediterráneo: lluvias intensas, avisos naranjas y más de 400 mm
El Gobierno iniciará en "los próximos días" los trámites para expropiar El Algarrobico
Récord de agresiones a médicos en España: 847 en 2024
ELCRA Project o cómo impulsar el activismo climático desde la alfabetización medioambiental
Sous l'effet du réchauffement climatique, la banquise atteint son plus bas niveau historique en février
Vinculan la mitad de emisiones de CO2 procedentes de combustibles fósiles a 36 empresas
Methane emissions are turbocharging climate change – these quick fixes could slow it down
Anesthesia has a greenhouse gas problem. A few tweaks could give the climate some breathing room
The shortcut to less warming? It runs through a farm field
We're Not Adapting to Climate Change Fast Enough. Behavioral Science Could Help.
Study: The ozone hole is healing, thanks to global reduction of CFCs
Indigenous leaders optimistic after resumed U.N. biodiversity conference in Rome
COP16 biodiversity summit in Rome OKs finance pathway; big obstacles loom
Satellite image analysis delivers new insight into the functional diversity of tropical forests
Amphibians are increasingly vulnerable to global warming, heat tolerance study shows
Gorillas with heart disease have altered gut microbiomes, study shows
Why some animals defy the odds to thrive in urban areas
Time will tell: Geoscientists develop tool to chronicle unexplained gaps in the rock record
Packets of freeze-dried bacteria can grow biocement on demand
Knitted microtissue can accelerate healing
Scientists catch water molecules flipping before splitting
Open-source software that models soft materials expands engineering solutions
Conducción remota, robots humanoides e IA en el Mobile World Congress
Feeling is believing: Bionic hand 'knows' what it's touching, grasps like a human
Combating deepfakes with CAPTCHA-like verification that uses real-time physical interactions
AI chatbots struggle with empathy: Overempathizing and gender bias uncovered
Distinguishing classical from quantum gravity through measurable stochastic fluctuations
Segundo sistema triple de cuerpos rocosos en el cinturón de Kuiper
Astronomers detect new polar cataclysmic variable
Astronomer finds gas giant exoplanets formed earlier than previously thought
Baby Galaxies Love to Take 100-Million-Year Naps
NASA Turns Off 2 Voyager Science Instruments to Extend Mission
Europa Clipper Successfully Passed By Mars En Route to Jupiter
First CubeSat joins ESA's Ramses mission to asteroid Apophis
Lunar sample research could help protect astronauts and uncover origins of water on the moon
The ecology and geography of temnospondyl recovery after the Permian–Triassic mass extinction
El sexo para reducir estrés en primates se remonta a 6 millones de años
Un pequeño ancestro humano de hace 2 millones de años caminó erguido
Mice with woolly mammoth traits could pave the way for the resurrection of an ice age giant
Los «ratones lanudos» que recuperan genes del mamut
'Jumping gene' caught in the act: Advanced imaging provides new insights into retrotransposons
Funding cuts jeopardize global fight against tuberculosis, WHO warns
¿Por qué aumentan los casos de sarampión?
A 'Trojan horse' approach may enable development of new antimalarial drugs
Descubren un efecto de la aspirina que reduce la metástasis del cáncer en ratones
Un estudio muestra que la aspirina reduce la formación de metástasis en ratones
Hacia un análisis que detecta el inicio del cáncer de páncreas
El virus del papiloma humano impacta más a hombres y estos cánceres son los más peligrosos
Nanoparticle immune therapy shows potential to halt pancreatic cancer spread
Why aged oocytes struggle to repair DNA damage
Insights into molecular process of sperm production may shed light on male infertility
La calidad del semen se asocia con una mayor esperanza de vida de los hombres
Discovery of molecular 'spring' reveals how hearing is triggered
Beyond blame: The role of malfunctioning fat tissue in the disease of obesity
When you get hurt matters: Circadian rhythms shown to play a role in muscle repair
Hacer pesas y ejercicios de fuerza puede prolongar la vida
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