Ukraine’s nuclear security situation ‘highly challenging’, warns UN atomic watchdog
The underreported killing of Colombia’s Indigenous land guardian, ‘The Wolf’ (Photos)
Looming famine in Rakhine signals wider crisis in Myanmar
El mundo reconoce por primera vez que la violencia contra los niños es una crisis global
#EnCorto: Las sirenas mexicanas que defienden al mar del cambio climático
Tracking footprints to monitor wildlife: Interview with WildTrack’s Zoe Jewell
Fortaleza Declaration: A bold step towards inclusive education at the 2024 Global Education Meeting
UNESCO presented crucial evidence for social justice in education at an international congress
¿Un estilo de enseñanza para cada alumno?
A Mathematician in a School of Art: an interview with Edmund Harriss
Cuantificado el efecto de la isla de calor urbana en las olas de calor
El comisario de Clima promete un plan de adaptación para evitar desastres como el de Valencia
Will the new EU environment leader change Sweden’s conservation direction? (commentary)
Islandia podría tener energía solar desde el espacio en 2030
El físico británico Mark Thomson, nuevo director general del CERN
Review of the HIV surveillance system in France
DNA evidence rewrites histories for people buried in volcanic eruption in ancient Pompeii
Jean Illunga Muneng: « La RDC peut jouer un rôle important dans le changement climatique »
Les félins insaisissables pourraient détenir la clé pour sauver les forêts d’Afrique
It’s Raining PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Miami, Study Finds
What Trump can do to reverse US climate policy − and what he probably can’t change
10 reasons why US president-elect Donald Trump can’t derail global climate action
Canadá: Investigadores piden proteger a niños y adolescentes de la comida chatarra
Rafael one of just three Cat2+ November hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico
México: herramienta científica prevé pérdidas de manglar e impulsa defensa comunitaria
Descubren una nueva especie de tiranosaurio en México
M 5.0 - 12 km SE of Changuillo, Peru
Record Amazon Basin Drought Impacts 420,000 Children: UNICEF
Novo plano de restauração pode deslanchar o Código Florestal, acreditam ambientalistas
Brazil sets a date to remove illegal miners from Munduruku land, more details await
New Canadian-backed potash mine under fire from Amazon Indigenous groups
Reducción de hábitat del yaguarundí y margay en Latinoamérica causa alerta
#EnCorto: 5 claves sobre la misión de los cofán para salvar a las tortugas de río en Ecuador
Indigenous elders and ritual specialists help to unlock the meaning of ancient Amazonian rock art
History book looks at Brazil's longest-lasting maroon society and its influence today
Fin de semana más anticiclónico pero de lluvia aún en estas zonas
¿Qué hizo a la DANA tan destructiva? Factores ambientales y humanos
La DANA ha ‘arrasado’ el Parque Natural de la Albufera
La dana en Valencia: turismo responsable en tiempos de crisis
Adapt or perish: UN calls for urgent action at COP29 climate summit
UN climate summit to focus on finance as world off track to meet emissions targets
Huge uplift needed on climate adaptation, starting with finance commitment at COP 29
Qué podemos esperar de la Cumbre del Clima de Bakú
COP29: ¿qué podemos esperar de esta cumbre climática?
By the Numbers: The Climate Action We Need This Decade
What Is 'Loss and Damage' from Climate Change? 8 Key Questions, Answered
A New View of Deep Earth’s Carbon Emissions
Las emisiones de CO2 provocadas por los vuelos privados aumentaron un 46 % entre 2019 y 2023
Advances in plate tectonics research provide a new view of deep Earth's carbon emissions
Plastics pollution worsens the impacts of all planetary boundaries, new study says
Great ape abundance and per capita carbon storage in their habitats
Insect-killing fungi find unexpected harmony in war
Symmetry in biology: A look into how bees actively organize nests in mirroring patterns
Computer model uncovers plant thickness growth mechanisms
Science breakthrough using plants as fuel without impacting food security
Las primeras 24 horas en un hipotético corte global de internet
Crowdsourcing system aims to map wildfires in seconds
La primera subasta de una obra hecha por un robot se adjudica por 1,3 millones de dólares
El avión supersónico silencioso de la NASA calienta motores
Supersonic microprojectiles reveal new insights into metal bonding
Un novedoso sistema con plasma mejora la producción de grafeno un 22%
Physicists reveal how layers and twists impact graphene's optical conductivity
Fluids thicken at the speed of light: A new theory extends Einstein's relativity to real fluids
Visualizing the Rise of Bitcoin’s Hashrate
Can unknown physics be seen in interactions between Higgs bosons?
3D-printed solutions shield electronics from electrostatic discharge
Advance in 4-inch heterostructure fabrication enhances AI semiconductors
Up to 30% of the power used to train AI is wasted: A software tool could help fix that
¿Puede la materia oscura estar oculta en rocas de la Tierra?
La perifería del sistema solar albergaba un débil campo magnético
A Radio Burst from a Giant "Dead" Galaxy
Chinese rover finds evidence of ancient Martian ocean
Proba-3 will constantly measure Sun’s energy output
Still Kickin’ Since the ’70s: NASA’s Voyager Mission Keeps Exploring
¿Es mejor dormir solo o acompañado? Los humanos evolucionaron para compartir cama
The evolutionary benefits of being forgetful
A causal theory for studying the cause-and-effect relationships of genes
El primer mapa de la piel humana potenciará la medicina regenerativa
Surge in global cancer by 2050 with widening disparities projected by study
Mitochondrial dynamics provide clues for halting the metastatic progression of breast cancer
Drug combo strategy makes glioblastoma cells visible to attacking immune cells
Neuroimmune communication pathway reveals interactions that may drive endometriosis-associated pain
New research supports brain cell transplantation as a treatment for some neurological disorders
¿Por qué algunas personas con el colesterol alto viven más tiempo?
Una de las creadoras de CRISPR quiere usarlo para hacer alimentos resistentes al cambio climático
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