Endometriosis: una emergencia de salud pública
Día Internacional de Acción por los Ríos
Sudán vive la crisis humanitaria más grande del mundo
Sudan war: Children facing ‘unimaginable suffering’, warns UNICEF chief
‘Brighter future hangs in the balance’ in Syria after 14 years of war
Javier Morales: "un mundo más justo implica bajarnos de nuestro antropocentrismo"
Se cumplen 244 años del descubrimiento del planeta Jorge, después Urano
March 2025 ENSO update: neutral conditions expected soon
Glacial Losses in the Swiss Alps
How North Sea tanker collision could affect one of Britain’s most important coastlines
Naples struck by 4.4-magnitude quake causing minor damage and light injuries
Campi Flegrei: il terremoto di Md 4.4 del 13 marzo 2025 e lo stato della caldera
No smoke without fire: the impact of Denmark’s biomass energy on Estonian and Latvian forests
What deer poo can tell us about the future of Britain’s woodlands
Greenland Inuit face health risks from 'forever chemicals' in diet
Swedish teens' mental health: A tale of two extremes in well-being
Grecia refuerza la protección a los menores en internet y pide a la UE que mueva ficha
El nuevo reglamento de envases: ¿qué cambia para los productos ecológicos?
El deshielo revela un cementerio de ballenas en el Ártico tras 400 años
Namibia records first cholera case in nearly a decade
USAID funding cuts jeopardize creation of Ghana’s first Marine Protected Area
Lives worth living: Elephants, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and the fight for coexistence
Rare aardvark trace fossils discovered in South Africa
Climate-based mapping of a rare but emerging disease in Odisha
The Middle East’s First Comprehensive Carbon Budget
Indonesia’s coal gasification reboot faces backlash over economic, environmental risks
Rhododendron survival depends on its conservation [Commentary]
DNA and 90 million-year-old pollen fossils reveal new insights into evolution of Asian tropics
Teeth from a 2100-year-old burial pit in Mongolia tell a tale of soldiers far from home
Red Sea Corals Survived the Late Glacial Crisis
Tonnes of microplastics infiltrate Australia’s agricultural soils each year, study shows
Australian fungi and bacteria taking aim at Fall Armyworm
Indignación en Australia contra influente que capturó a cría de wombat para tomar una foto
March megastorm may bring blizzards, tornadoes, flooding and even fires across much of US
Climate-driven warmth aids two-day, early-spring severe weather threat
As the next hurricane season nears, study explores impacts of 2024's storms
Warming climate disrupts food prices in northern Ontario
‘American Oasis’ Author Kyle Paoletta on the History and Future of the American Southwest
Caribbean reef sharks rebound in Belize with shark fishers’ help
Restauración de Manglares en Reservas de Biosfera de América Latina y el Caribe
More Indigenous peoples request consultation as controversial road paves through Peru’s Amazon
El hombre que demandó a una empresa alemana por el deshielo de glaciares en Perú espera fallo clave
Última hora Borrasca Konrad: sacudirá España con lluvia, nieve y fuerte viento
Tregua (corta) de las lluvias el fin de semana
Malas noticias para los alérgicos: así afectará tanta lluvia a los niveles de polen esta primavera
Spain to face increasingly 'severe' droughts: report
Alertamos sobre los riesgos del glifosato y la desprotección del lobo en La Rioja
Los III premios WAS reconoce a quienes impulsan un futuro más verde y equitativo
Re:wild and Age of Union announce conservation partnership
AI reveals new insights into the flow of Antarctic ice
Así sería la Antártida sin hielo: altas montañas y cañones profundos
Un nuevo nombre para el rinoceronte más raro del mundo
A planetary boundary for geological resources: Exploring the limits of regional water availability
(Ni son) tierras (ni son) raras
Desarrollan una tecnología eficaz y barata para que pequeñas poblaciones limpien sus aguas
Serendipitous discovery reveals how stress and chemistry etch mysterious spiral patterns
Physicists uncover two superconducting regimes in a Kagome lattice superconductor
A tiny component for record-breaking bandwidth: New modulator breaks the terahertz mark
Researchers develop innovative method for secure operations on encrypted data without decryption
Exo 2: A new programming language for high-performance computing, with much less code
La fórmula de OpenAI comienza a agotarse con GPT-4.5
La realidad tras las expectativas de una IA general
Exploring the limits of power: Where quantum theory and the theory of relativity meet
Hera asteroid mission spies Mars’s Deimos moon
La misión Hera sobrevuela Marte rumbo a Didymos y captura imágenes únicas de sus lunas
La sonda Hera revela cómo es la enigmática luna marciana Deimos de camino hacia Didymos
First Thermal Images of Mercury from BepiColombo
Astronomers discover new supergiant fast X-ray transient, expanding rare class
Astronomy's dirty window to space: A detailed map of dust in the Milky Way
Saturn now has 274 moons – but exactly what makes something a moon remains unclear
SpaceX pierde su segundo cohete en seis meses
NASA Continues BioNutrients Space-Fermented Food Research
Snakes' secret language of ultraviolet color: A hidden world of predator evasion and camouflage
When did human language emerge?
Descubren el mecanismo genético que regula el paso de la adolescencia a la adultez en insectos
New CRISPRs expand research and biomedical applications upon original's abilities
CRISPR-Cascade test detects bloodstream infections in minutes without amplification
MIT engineers turn skin cells directly into neurons for cell therapy
Europa y Asia central registra el mayor número de casos de sarampión en más de 25 años
First coronavirus similar to MERS discovered in bats in South America
Researchers develop method to identify dormant cells that carry HIV
Study finds new targets needed for vaccine to prevent herpesvirus transmission to newborns
Medical Infusion Bags Can Release Microplastics Into the Bloodstream, Research Finds
Scientists solve decades-long Parkinson's mystery
Combinan implantes medulares con robótica para ayudar a caminar a pacientes con parálisis
Compartimos un gen con perros que predispone a la obesidad
“El envejecimiento demográfico no es el gran motor del aumento del gasto en sanidad”
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