jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025

Noticias jueves 13 de marzo: Día Mundial del Riñón. How countries define climate action in Paris Agreement pledges – and why a standard format could help assess outcomes


Nyamulagira Brings the Heat 

3 African Cities Restore Nature to Revitalize Their Rivers

 When a chimp community lost its males, it also lost part of its love language

Des pièges photographiques capturent des images rares de la faune congolaise 

Short-distance seed and pollen dispersal in both hunted and intact forests in the lower canopy African rainforest tree, Coula edulis Baill. (Coulaceae)

Ancient DNA reveals Maghreb communities preserved their culture and genes, even in a time of human migration

Delhi air pollution worse than expected as water vapor skews figures

Increased rainfall and vegetation changes result in sediment shifts at the Roof of the World 

Farmers see red as blue bulls raid their fields 

 Tragedy haunts community on shore of Sumatra’s largest solar farm  

 Tribal entrepreneurs bring indigenous cuisine to the urban mainstream  

Asian elephants fall victim to poor development policies in Bangladesh

Fishing cat home range far bigger than previously thought, Nepal study suggests 

Increased phenotypic diversity as a consequence of ecological opportunity in the island radiation of Sulawesi ricefishes (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)

What to know about Manus, China's latest AI assistant

East Asian human gene that allows adult humans to digest sugars in milk likely came from Neanderthals   

 Terrestrial 'life oasis' from end-Permian mass extinction period discovered in China 

Fresh fruit down, junk food up: our modelling suggests Australians’ diets will get worse by 2030

Spodumene: Australia's lithium mineral hero

Recortes a la investigación y ciencia del clima en EE. UU. afectan a Canadá

Trump’s EPA Cancels $20 Billion in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants  

A Decade of Growth for U.S. Solar and Wind

Will Its $154 Billion Price Tag Keep Dust from Being Swept Under the Rug? 

  NASA Firings Under Trump Suggest ‘We Won’t Recognize It in a Year,’ Experts Warn 

 El lobo mexicano, una especie en peligro de extinción que se resiste a desaparecer de los territorios que alguna vez reinó

Piden reformas que regulen la violencia digital contra las mujeres en América Latina 

De la catástrofe a un paradigma renovado sobre la cultura para la resiliencia: la experiencia de un icónico puerto mexicano  

Au Brésil, une autoroute construite à travers la forêt amazonienne pour la prochaine COP30 sur le climat

Brazil’s crackdown on illegal mining in Indigenous territory sees success, but fears remain

 Lava Jato: o maior escândalo de corrupção da última década  

Forest management ambitions in Brazilian Amazon aim to make up for lost time  

Will Brazil’s President Lula wake up to the climate crisis? (commentary)  

 Deficiente fiscalización de autoridades peruanas facilita transporte irregular de más de 1500 toneladas de tiburones protegidos

 Proyecto para reordenar ambientalmente la Sabana de Bogotá desata enfrentamientos políticos en Colombia

 Conformidade do setor de soja com lei antidesmatamento da UE: teste da Cargill   

Chile protege por diez años al huiro flotador, el alga marina más extensa del planeta 

Hummingbirds in Andes Mountains found nesting in colonies, defying territorial norms 

Hoy y el viernes un frente dejará lluvias, tormentas y vientos de más de 60 km/h en Baleares: las horas más delicadas

Habrá más lluvia de lo normal en todo lo que queda de marzo: ¿y en Semana Santa?

 Andalucía pasa en un año de planificar barcos con agua a desembalsar en varios pantanos 

Un total de 50 nuevos medicamentos se comercializaron en España durante 2024, una "cifra récord"

  Luz verde ambiental para la construcción del segundo ATI de la central nuclear de Almaraz 

¡Suma y sigue! El Acebuche da la bienvenida al mundo a 12 crías de lince ibérico

Plagas de medusas velella en las playas del Mediterráneo crean una «alfombra azul»

El sistema Minerva detecta deformaciones en el subsuelo a cientos de metros de profundidad y con antelación

How countries define climate action in Paris Agreement pledges – and why a standard format could help assess outcomes

 Extreme ocean heat does not mean climate change is accelerating: Study  

Eukaryotic phytoplankton decline due to ocean acidification could significantly impact global carbon cycle

 Flooding from Below: The Unseen Risks of Sea Level Rise

Los microorganismos que nos ayudan a reducir el impacto ambiental del cultivo de cereales

The Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) v.2

New study on the scale and scope of the online trade of endangered species

Lyrebirds, famed for their mimicry, are also forest farmers 

Mice Exhibit ‘First Responder-Like Behavior’ to Revive Unconscious Friends

 ¿Se sienten solos los peces?   

On the Road to Sustainable Transport, Climate Finance Can Speed Progress

Revolución en el reciclaje: descomponen plástico con la humedad del aire

Lithium needed for the battery revolution could be harvested from saltwater lakes thanks to a new membrane

Solar-powered method converts sewage sludge into green hydrogen and animal feed

Mathematicians move the needle on the Kakeya conjecture, a decades-old geometric problem 

Research reveals 'major vulnerabilities' in deepfake detectors

Ultra-broadband photonic chip boosts optical signals to reshape high-speed data transmission

Quantum holograms: Metasurfaces entangle light and information in new study   

A new protocol to image wave functions in continuous space

Nuevo enigma cósmico: Inesperados patrones de rotación en galaxias lejanas

Cuatro pequeños mundos orbitan la cercana estrella de Barnard

Them’s the (Balmer) Breaks

Two Missions Launch: One to See the Sun, the Other to See the Universe

La NASA lanza juntos el observatorio SPHEREx para estudiar la historia del universo y la misión PUNCH para estudiar el Sol


 Team Preps to Study Dark Energy via Exploding Stars With NASA’s Roman

Signal Acquired: NASA’s SPHEREx Begins Science Mission

Un mini-rover sobrevivió al accidentado alunizaje del módulo Athena

SpaceX establece un nuevo récord al lanzar y recuperar el mismo cohete veintiseis veces

NASA-ISRO Mission Will Map Farmland From Planting to Harvest

The Road Map to Alien Life Passes Through the ‘Cosmic Shoreline’

La breve y extraña historia de la desextinción genética

New capabilities in DNA nanostructure self-assembly eliminate need for extreme heating and controlled cooling

Certain mutations disrupt touch-based learning, study finds

Specialized blood vessels and nitric oxide found to be key to stem cell survival and immune evasion

Electrochemical properties of biomolecular condensates could help in development of cancer or ALS treatments

Descifran cómo los círculos de ADN extracromosómico contribuyen a la agresividad del cáncer de páncreas

Monoclonal antibody significantly reduces nasal polyps and need for surgery in Phase 3 clinical trial

Secret boss of the liver: Star-shaped cells that promote fibrosis also regulate liver health

Neurons' reverse migration: Exploring the brain's evolutionary architecture 

Dopamine plays an unexpected role in memory devaluation, research reveals

A premotor cortical network in the brain allows people to voluntarily stop speaking, study suggests

Diseñan una neuroprótesis medular que interactúa con dispositivos robóticos en personas con parálisis

Ser joven y no dormir, candidato a hipertenso

Unas pruebas sencillas detectan en 15 minutos la mayoría de los casos de glaucoma

When beauty overshadows scientific genius 

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