domingo, 23 de marzo de 2025

Noticias domingo 23 de marzo: Día Meteorológico Mundial. Scientific misconduct is on the rise. But what exactly is it?

Tropical cyclone

  Israel-Palestina: La ocupación debe terminar lo antes posible 

Women’s rights to forests and land remain weak in much of the Global South

Mind your language: The battle for linguistic diversity in AI

Climate breakdown is the greatest threat to human rights

Diego Corrochano Fernández: “Comprender cómo ha cambiado el clima en el pasado y cómo está cambiando actualmente, desde una perspectiva científica, nos ayuda a sentar las bases para entender el gran desafío al que nos enfrentamos y poder afrontar con éxito el futuro” 

 Yuval Noah Harari en cinco ideas clave  

Saturday Citations: The universe doesn't care about your precious standard model

El niño de Taung, el fósil que cambió la historia al probar que los seres humanos se habían originado en África    

El origen del refrán "estar en la gloria": la innovadora calefacción medieval que precedió al suelo radiante 

Peer review is meant to prevent scientific misconduct. But it has its own problems

Scientific misconduct is on the rise. But what exactly is it?

AI can be a powerful tool for scientists. But it can also fuel research misconduct

Ser científico. La ciencia como vocación y profesión.

Cuando los números son un desafío 

How to write your own physics poem

El arte de vivir

Martes 25:

 Estos serán los nombres de los huracanes de 2025 para el Atlántico y el Pacífico Nororiental 

Geometric Connections in Puglia

Nigeria offers free caesareans to save mothers’ lives – but it’s not enough

 El gobierno de EE. UU. deniega la entrada a un científico francés crítico con la administración Trump, publica Reuters   

Tuberculosis cases in the US rose to their highest levels in more than a dozen years

3 Ways to Manage Skyrocketing US Electricity Demand

Trump orders a plan to close Education Department – an anthropologist who studies MAGA explains 4 reasons why Trump and his supporters want to eliminate it

 Día Mundial del Agua: las batallas por salvar los glaciares de América Latina 

Imágenes de cámaras trampa y sonidos revelan los secretos mejor guardado de cinco pequeños gatos silvestres de Latinoamérica

El empresariado de China llega a la Amazonía y genera controversia | LIBRO

 Perros siberianos que caminan sobre el agua: la impactante imagen que cuenta la historia del deshielo del Ártico 

Estelas de vórtices de von Kármán e icebergs derritiéndose en las cercanías de islas volcánicas

Breaking the ice

Changement climatique : les forêts ont-elles besoin de nous pour s’adapter ?

PFAS: The next asbestos?

 Por qué el agua se ve de diferentes colores en distintos lugares (y cómo puede ayudar a la ciencia) 

How Philanthropy Can Boost Adaption Finance in Developing Countries

Experiments show gray seals can monitor their own blood oxygen levels to prevent drowning

Carbon-negative construction: New method turns CO₂ into strong, fire-resistant building materials

Eco-friendly detergent made from wood and corn shows promise

Significance and perspectives on natural, polymer‐based hydrogels

Researchers pioneer groundbreaking light-driven method to create key drug compounds

Robotic disassembly of permanent magnet electric motors

La vida ‘off-grid’    

Infrastructures critiques : le rôle clé des algorithmes mathématiques

The reliability of replications: a study in computational reproductions

Graphene quantum dots mimic orbital hybridization

Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields

Así es Optimus, el robot humanoide que Elon Musk enviará a Marte dentro de unos meses

How warp drives don't break relativity

Antarctic bases are hotbeds of stress and violence. Space stations could face the same challenges

3D Printing: Saving weight and space at launch

How dramatic daily swings in oxygen shaped early animal life – new study

Evolution: features that help finding a mate may lead to smaller brains

 Cambio climático, producción de polen y alergias: ya no hay vuelta atrás 

Japanese scientists use stem cell treatment to restore movement in spinal injury patients

Deadly bacteria have developed the ability to produce antimicrobials and wipe out competitors, scientists discover

Antibody-based therapy is several steps closer to treat lethal mucormycosis

 Computational drug discovery: Exploring natural products targeting SARS-CoV-2

Second TB vaccination boosts immunity in bladder cancer patients and reduces cancer recurrence, pilot study suggests

Waist circumference outshines BMI as obesity-related cancer risk marker in men, but not women

Study reveals link between new-onset type 2 diabetes and some obesity-related cancers

Researchers make progress toward non-hormonal treatment for endometriosis

 Dendritic spines: The key to understanding how memories are linked in time

Las altas temperaturas podrían afectar a la función cerebral en preadolescentes

Why morning blue light therapy could improve sleep and daily activity in older adults

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