Juan Carlos del Olmo (WWF) advierte del "retroceso ambiental" en el mundo, incluida la UE
With climate change, cryosphere melt scales up as a threat to planetary health
UNICEF condemns looting of lifesaving supplies for children in Sudan
L’environnement, la victime oubliée de la crise M23 (Analyse)
Con casi 9000 muertes, 2024 es el año más mortífero de la historia para los migrantes
Children, refugees pay hefty price of global aid funding crisis
The poison of racism continues to infect our world’, Guterres warns on International Day
El impacto ambiental de las guerras: una amenaza que perdura a largo plazo
Desinformação gerada por IA já é uma inimiga da democracia na era digital
Mapped: Global Happiness by Country in 2025
Hoy sábado día 22:
Mañana domingo día 23:
IA predice clima en minutos y supera sistemas tradicionales
Refranero meteorológico de la primavera
Dudas sobre el objetivo de reducción de CO2 para 2040, por los retrasos acumulados
Core samples from Greenland's seabed provide first historical overview of plastic pollution
El sector europeo del plástico apoya el objetivo del 25% de reciclado
Países Bajos lanza un “registro nacional de reparadores” para dar segunda vida a aparatos
With Europe’s forests, we can’t manage what we can’t measure (commentary)
European Wolves Make Rapid Recovery, Increasing 58% in a Decade
Unlikely wolf pair sparks row in rural France
La industria farmacéutica quiere racionalizar la normativa de la UE sobre productos sanitarios
Slovakia reports first foot-and-mouth cases in 50 years
Influenza virus characterization - Summary Europe, November 2024
Avian influenza overview December 2024-March 2025
Communicable disease threats report, 15 - 21 March 2025, week 12
Met Office Pollen Forecast 2025: What You Need to Know
Heathrow closure: what caused the fire and why did it bring down the whole airport? Expert panel
EINSTEIN TELESCOPE | Presentato il progetto del futuro centro di ricerca ET-SUnLab
Europa inicia su era de vuelos espaciales comerciales
Cueva de Chauvet: la gran aventura científica
How community-led restoration efforts are supporting Rwanda’s journey to a greener future
Conservationists, fishing industry find balance on protecting African penguins
Massive, long-lived trees discovered in the Tanzanian rainforest are a new species
Indonesia's Mount Lewotobi Laki Laki volcano erupts, prompting alert level to be raised
Identifying high-skill ensemble members could boost extreme cold forecasts in East Asia
‘Sustainable’ palm oil firms continue illegal peatland clearing despite permit revocation
The vanishing trail of Sri Lanka’s iconic tuskers calls for urgent action
The movement that rewrote India’s environmental narrative [Commentary]
Southeast Asia's fisheries benefit from small-scale, multispecies capture, study finds
Auction for offshore mineral blocks met with resistance and delays
Baby sightings spark hope for critically endangered gibbons in Vietnam
Three new gecko species described in Nepal: Interview with herpetologist Santosh Bhattarai
‘Fatal Watch’: Interview with documentary makers on fisheries observer deaths
Japan panel drafts response plan for Mount Fuji eruption
Floating Solar in Madhya Pradesh
NYC will eventually have to abandon part of its water supply if it keeps getting saltier
Measles cases are up to 351 total in Texas and New Mexico. Here's what you should know
Canadá: Combatting the measles threat means examining the reasons for declining vaccination rates
Why Canada must treat its food system as a matter of national defence
What are non-tariff barriers – and why is agriculture so exposed?
NASA Uses Advanced Radar to Track Groundwater in California
Map: U.S. States by Share of Older Adults (65+)
Uncontacted Ayoreo could face health risks as Gran Chaco shrinks, experts warn
How a grassroots financing model is helping Indigenous communities save the Amazon
Editorial Expression of Concern: mtDNA structure: the women who formed the Brazilian northeast
Nace la Red de Impulso a la pequeña Transformación Alimentaria (RITA)
Earth's drylands expand, affecting billions as climate warms
An arachnid in your orchid? Ornamental plant trade risks spreading invasive species
Las focas perciben el oxígeno en su sangre y así evitan ahogarse
Two bees or not two bees? How wild bees feel the sting of honeybee competition
Por qué el mar se tiñe de "rojo sangre" en un video viral
Intento de aprovechar la energía de la rotación de la Tierra
Solar-powered reactor shows potential for creating jet fuel with net-zero carbon emissions
Biodiesel wastewater treatment: Capturing carbon and valuable chemicals
Using perovskite to make LED pixels as small as a virus
New electrolytes enable safe, stable and fast-charging lithium-metal batteries
Scientists measure the spin-parity of charm baryons for the first time
Compact solid-state laser system generates 193-nm vortex beam for the first time
AI tool generates high-quality images faster than state-of-the-art approaches
Device enables direct communication among multiple quantum processors
An experimental test of the nonlocal energy alteration between two quantum memories
Cosmic anomaly hints at frightening future for Milky Way
Using Algorithms to Help Find Life on Icy Ocean Worlds
Chang'e-6 samples suggest 4.25-billion-year-old impact formed moon's South Pole–Aitken basin
Increíble vista de un cometa captada por la sonda Solar Orbiter
SpaceX establece un nuevo récord al reutilizar un cohete en tan sólo nueve días y unas horas
NASA to Launch Three Rockets from Alaska in Single Aurora Experiment
Origin of life: How a special group of single-celled organisms laid the foundation for complex cells
Preserved shark jaws unlock secrets of past diets
Scientists witness living plant cells generate cellulose and form cell walls for the first time
How Metabolism Can Shape Cells’ Destinies
DNA data storage: AI method speeds up data retrieval by 3,200 times
How bacteria 'vaccinate' themselves with genetic material from dormant viruses
Crean un antiviral contra la covid basado en una sustancia del caparazón de crustáceos
Cáncer colorrectal metastásico: Cómo los inhibidores de inmunoterapia mejoran la supervivencia
Immune cell dysfunction in GI tract may lead to onset of inflammatory bowel disease
Australiano vive más de 100 días con corazón de titanio
First stroke rehabilitation drug that reestablishes brain connections discovered in mouse model
How the brain predicts the immediate future
¿Por qué no tenemos recuerdos de cuando éramos bebés?
Estudio confirma cómo supercentenaria superó los 110 años
Aceite de perilla para el asma y el asma alérgico
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