Afghanistan: Security Council renews UN mission as WHO warns of health catastrophe
En Chile se vulneraron los derechos de 27 ambientalistas durante 2024, el año más violento
Farmer in Peru Takes Major Germany Energy Firm to Court Over Emissions
Agricultor peruano demanda a empresa alemana por el deshielo de los Andes
Mathematicians crack 40-year-old problem on quasiregularly elliptic manifolds
Ecofobia, calentamiento global y danas: a la literatura también le importa el clima
Climate and Clean Air Conference 2025
Hoy martes 18:
Los expertos coinciden, los sistemas de alerta temprana son clave para la adaptación climática
Beyond the Thermometer: 5 Heat Metrics That Drive Better Decision-Making
Cuenta atrás para el equinoccio de primavera 2025: fecha y hora en España
First look at the Summer 2025 Predictions for Europe from the seasonal weather models
Unprecedented changes to North Atlantic winds could have major impacts on UK weather
Using random forests to forecast daily extreme sea level occurrences at the Baltic Coast
El plan siderúrgico de Bruselas se centra en bajar precios de la energía y en el ajuste del carbono
Let juries judge disruptive protesters like Just Stop Oil on their integrity – expert view
Los lobos aumentan un 60 por ciento en Europa en solo una década
Sequenza sismica in provincia di Catanzaro, 17 marzo 2025: aggiornamento delle ore 13:00
GEOTERMIA | L’INGV inaugura PULSE, l’installazione scientifica che racconta il calore della Terra
Study reveals the illusion of 'dazzle' paint on World War I battleships
Pescar en el desierto: Liberar el potencial del lago Turkana
Iguanas floated one-fifth of the way around the world to colonize Fiji, genetic analysis indicates
In a land where monkeys are seen as pests, Sri Lanka’s white langurs are winning hearts
Researchers push for ISL as official language to aid deaf education in India
China's Baidu releases new AI model to compete with DeepSeek
Cinnabar-stained teeth—a mystery from an ancient Turpan burial
Japanese encephalitis has claimed a second life in NSW and been detected in Brisbane. What is it?
How Australia's desert people use ancient wisdom to protect the endangered bilby
Fiordland's marine habitats surveyed to develop first complete picture of biodiversity
Newly discovered skink is a second unique species for Australia's Scawfell Island
Research voyage heads to Denman Glacier
Surfacing the secrets of groundwater
New Winter Storm on Wednesday: Intense Snow Blizzard across Midwest
Far-flung outbreak of extreme weather kills at least 39
Furia de tornados en EE.UU.: siete estados arrasados y 39 fallecidos
Los tornados en el arte: fenómenos extremos retratados desde hace varios siglos
More support needed for disaster survivors who speak little English
M 3.9 - 5 km WNW of Dublin, CA
How the EPA's environmental about-face could upend California's climate efforts
Carbon capture industry tweaks message for the Trump era
Cambridge, Massachusetts Bans Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
Wind-powered mast to cut emissions sets sail to Canada
The US military has cared about climate change since the dawn of the Cold War – for good reason
Miles de estudiantes son suspendidos en Ontario por no estar vacunados
House cats infected with bird flu in New York City, health officials say
Trust in Evanston Tap Water Depends on Gender, Race, and Past Experiences
Scientists study fish behavior during dyeing of the Chicago River for St. Patrick's Day
First documented sighting of a group of bowhead whales in Canada's Churchill River Estuary
Dismay for Big Bear bald eagle family as eaglet dies in winter storm
Trump's bitcoin reserve a 'digital Fort Knox'
AI ring tracks spelled words in American Sign Language
Unique dove species is the dodo of the Caribbean and in similar danger of dying out
How a hummingbird chick acts like a caterpillar to survive
Derrame de petróleo en Ecuador afecta a un refugio de vida silvestre de la zona costera
The rough road to sustainable farming in an Amazon deforestation hotspot
Scientists study plant restoration in Argentina’s deserts
Pesquisadores identificam áreas prioritárias para restauração nos biomas brasileiros
Colombia: la contaminación por mercurio amenaza la subsistencia de siete especies de tiburones
Así es el japiim, el sorprendente pájaro amazónico que imita a más de 20 especies animales
Hallan fósil de ictiosaurio preñado en la Patagonia chilena
Sin descanso: nuevas borrascas tras Laurence prolongarán la lluvia esta semana
Madrid, la ciudad con mayor esperanza de vida en la UE
¿Es la palabra ‘medioambiente’ una mala traducción?
Gobiernos y oenegés piden prudencia ante minería submarina
¿Qué va a pasar con la destructiva industria minera de aguas profundas?
'Dark oxygen': a deep-sea discovery that has split scientists
La carne de vacuno alimentada con pasto no emite menos carbono que la industrial
5 de los oasis más excepcionales del mundo (y cuál se encuentra en América Latina)
Global study identifies top sites for ocean current energy
Innovative hydrogen production: Scientists eliminate tar in gasification
'Audible enclaves' could enable private listening without headphones
Supercritical water's structure decoded: Analysis finds no molecular clusters, just fleeting bonds
Advancing light-to-electricity energy conversion: New method extends lifespan of plasmonic hot holes
Light-powered artificial neurons mimic brain-like oscillations
Researchers created sound that can bend itself through space, reaching only your ear in a crowd
Dialing in the temperature needed for precise nuclear timekeeping
Scientists unlock new dimension in light manipulation, ushering in a new era in photonic technology
A dive into the “almost magical” potential of photonic crystals
New platform lets anyone rapidly prototype large, sturdy interactive structures
Artificial muscle flexes in multiple directions, offering a path to soft, wiggly robots
Boosting the response speed of quantum LEDs via an excitation memory effect
Quantum Speedup Found for Huge Class of Hard Problems
AI recognizes the mass of the most energetic particles of cosmic radiation
JWST captures its first direct images of carbon dioxide outside solar system
NASA’s Webb Images Young, Giant Exoplanets, Detects Carbon Dioxide
First 3D Map of Exoplanet Weather Reveals Superfast Jet
Los casquetes polares de Marte y el interior del planeta rojo
Fifteen Years of X-Rays from Andromeda’s Supermassive Black Hole
Les astronautes bloqués depuis neuf mois en orbite ont quitté l'ISS pour rejoindre la Terre
Blue Ghost se apaga tras dos semanas de misión en la Luna
New Modeling Assesses Age of Next Target Asteroid for NASA’s Lucy
How big brains and flexible skulls led to the evolution of modern birds
Robots arqueólogos, una valiosa ayuda para llegar donde los humanos no pueden
"No hubiera podido soportar que mis hijos heredaran mi enfermedad"
La propagación de la gripe aviar no tiene precedentes y exige intensificar las medidas de prevención
Current antivirals don't work well against H5N1 avian influenza virus in cows' milk, scientists find
Hacia una vacuna eficaz contra norovirus
El éxito de lenacapavir para prevenir el VIH sorprende a los científicos
Efectos de las partículas en la salud: no solo el tamaño importa
Increasing pointers to climate change indirectly impacting tuberculosis rise
Global warming linked to increased airway inflammation risk
Newly identified bacterial protein helps design cancer drug delivery system
Glaucoma, un vacío inquietante en un campo lleno de milagros
Cuando existir es resistir: por qué las personas trans tienen peor salud
Suzetrigina: una nueva esperanza contra el dolor tras dos décadas de espera
Estudio vincula origen de la esquizofrenia con la placenta
Research reveals how childhood adversity shapes the brain and behavior
¿Pueden los adultos aprender idiomas como los bebés?
El oscuro secreto del colágeno… y su futuro limpio
Maternal diet and infant allergies: The avocado connection
The Ozempic workout: How gyms and trainers are catering to a new group of exercisers
El suelo pélvico, el gran desconocido en el entrenamiento deportivo
El ejercicio por la tarde es más beneficioso para regular el nivel de azúcar en sangre
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