martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Vídeos: Rayo capturado a 7.207 imágenes por segundo

Aquí os dejo unos vídeos impresionantes. Espero que os gusten.
Lightning captured at 7,207 images per second from ZT Research on Vimeo.

A downward lightning negative ground flash captured at 7,207 images per second. A negative stepped leader emerges from the cloud and connects with the ground forming a return stroke.

Upward Lightning Filmed at 7,207 images per second from ZT Research on Vimeo.

An upward lightning flash initiated from a TV tower in Rapid City, SD. Filmed at 7,207 ips the positive polarity leader moves upward and branches into two primary channels. The right channel is weak and unstable and exhibits prolific recoil leader activity as the branch struggles to establish stable growth. The entire sequence spans about 1/2 of a second.

Upward Lightning from a Tower from ZT Research on Vimeo.

An upward lightning flash develops from a television tower in Rapid City, South Dakota. Filmed at 7,207 images per second.

Downward Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flash Triggers Upward Positive Leaders from Towers from ZT Research on Vimeo.

A positive cloud-to-ground lightning flash triggers upward positive lightning leaders to form from three television towers in Rapid City, South Dakota. Filmed at 9,000 images per second, the video shows positive leaders descending from the thunderstorm with one connecting to ground. The resulting return stroke creates a fast electric field change which causes three tall television towers to initiate upward positive lightning leaders. Fast, short duration, bidirectional/bipolar recoil leaders form on positive leader branches that become cutoff from their main channel.

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